New NOANET station installed 24 Jul 2019
A new NOANET station named mtna was installed on 24/07/2019 at Methana region, a volcanic (the Methana Volcano) peninsula, attached to the Peloponnese. The GNSS station is collocated with seismological instrumentation installed and owned by the National Observatory of Greece.
Users can browse and download its 30sec RINEX files as described in the relevant link. Detailed information can be found at the station's dedicated page.

Station atal instrumentation change. 03 Aug 2019
NOANET station atal is operational again. The station was out of service more than a year, due to hardware problems; the istrumentation was fully replaced and a new TOPCON NET-G3A receiver and a TOPCON TPSCR.G5 GNSS antenna were installed at the site. The installation took place on the 3rd Agugust 2019 and since then the site continues its normal operation. Users can browse and download its 30sec RINEX files as described in the relevant link.
Detailed information can be found at the station's dedicated page.

Station nafp now operational. 15 Jul 2019
NOANET station nafp is operational again. The station was out of service for a few months due to telemetry problems; instrumentation was repaired and since 15 July the station continues its normal operation. Users can browse and download its 30sec RINEX files as described in the relevant link.
The receiver's firmware was also upgraded to version 4.70. Detailed information can be found at the station's dedicated page.

Station span now operational. 25 June 2019
NOANET station span is now operational again. The station was out of service for some time due to hardware problems; instrumentation was repaired and reinstalled and since 25 June the station continues its normal operation. Users can browse and download its 30sec RINEX files as described in the relevant link.
The receiver's firmware was also upgraded to version 9.20. Detailed information can be found at the station's dedicated page.
New NOANET website launched. 10 Jun 2019
NOA has designed, implemented and launched a new website to host the NOANET and related activities. The website includes detailed station information, maps, repository and data access options, related studies and data availability plots among other things.
Navigate to the starting page here.

Station egio now operational. 23 May 2019
NOANET station egio is now operational again. The station was out of service for some time; firmware and hardware failures are now fixed and the station has reignited its normal operation. Users can browse and download its 30sec RINEX files as described in the relevant link.
The receiver's firmware was also upgraded to version 5.2.2. Detailed information can be found at the station's dedicated page.

New station mtsv (Metsovo). 06 Dec 2018.
A new station has been installed in Metsovo, Epirus, Greece. The installation of the station was a joint effort undertaken by the National Observatory of Athens and the Geology Department of the University of Patras. The station's instrumentation consists of a Topcon TPSCR.G5 Antenna with a TPSH radome and a TPS NET-G5 receiver.
Detailed information can be found here and its data are available in NOA repositories.