
The National Observatory of Athens (NOA) archives and distributes GPS/GNSS data for a large number of stations in Greece. These include (but are not limited to) the stations installed and maintained by NOA. A number of institutions, make their data freely available via NOA's repositories.

Institute Department Abbreviation
National Technical University of Athens Dionysos Satellite Observatory DSO
Geodetic Observatory Pecny Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography GOP
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia INGV
Joint Research Centre, EU Science Hub JRC
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences MIT
Technological Educational Institute of Crete Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering TEIC
University of Patras Department of Geology UPATRAS

Data Access

Currently, we offer three different ways of accessing NOA's archived data. Users can make their pick depending on their needs and preferences.

Web Archive

Users can use NOA's web service to access and download data. The repository is organized in yearly and daily folders (actually day of year), conforming to the globally used conventions in the GPS/GNSS community.


GSAC is UNAVCO's Geodesy Seamless Archive Centers software system, which powers geodesy data repositories with a web services enabled application programming interface. GSAC software is intended to provide simple, consistent web services at geodetic-focused data centers in order to facilitate discovery, sharing, and access to data. Foe details on GSAC, see UNAVCO's dedicated webpage


Geodetic Linking Advanced Software System (GLASS) is an integrated software package deployed in a GNSS infrastructure to manage data and metadata. GLASS is an open source platform, developed by EPOS GNSS Data and Products team, under Creative Commons licensing. For detailed information on GLASS, see EPOS's dedicated webpage.

Data Description

Within the data repositories, users will find daily RINEX files, used the standard naming conventions, aka:

ssssddd0.yyd.Z, where
      |   |    |
       is the station 4-char name/id
          |    |
           is the day of year
                is the two digit year
Note that the archived RINEX files follow a two-fold compression scheme; they are Hatanaka-compressed and Unix compressed (.Z).

NOA archives daily RINEX files, with a sampling interval of 30 seconds. We use predominantly RINEX Version 2.10 or 2.11 for formating the data files. Users that are in need of data in other formats, or sampling intervals are encouraged to contact NOA GNSS Team.

Metadata (Log files)

IGS-format site logs are kept for all stations in NOANET and updated regularly. Users can view or download them, at each station's individual weg-page (e.g. for station noa1).

Citation of NOANET data and metadata

Use of any NOANET data and metadata should be accompanied by the following citations:

Please also note that usage of ZNTE, STRF, KTHA, ANKY and PTKG data should be accompanied, in addition to the aforementioned, by the following citation:
